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Brewer's: Abram-colour

Probably a corruption of Abron, meaning auburn. Halliwell quotes the following from Coriolanus, ii. 3: “Our heads are some brown, some black, some Abram, some bald.” And again, “Where is…

Brewer's: Cur

A fawning, mean-spirited fellow, a crop-tailed dog (Latin, curtus, crop-tailed. French, court; our curt). According to forest laws, a man who had no right to the privilege of the chase…

Brewer's: Cautelous

Cautious, cunning, treacherous. (Latin, cautela; French, cauteleux; Spanish, cauteloso.) “Caught with cautelous baits.” Shakespeare: Coriolanus, iv. 1. “Swear priests and cowards and men…

Brewer's: Malkin

The nickname of Mary, now called Molly. Hence the Maid Marian is so termed. Malkin. A kitchen wench, now called a Molly, is by Shakespeare termed “the kitchen Malkin.” (Coriolanus, ii. 1…

Brewer's: Forty Winks

A short nap. Forty is an indefinite number, meaning a few. Thus, we say, “A, B, C, and forty more.” Coriolanus says, “I could beat forty of them” (iii. 1). (See Forty.) “The slave had…

Brewer's: Spade

Why not call a spade a spade? Do not palliate sins by euphemisms. “We call a nettle but a nettle, and the faults of fools but folly.” —Shakespeare: Coriolanus ii. 1. “I have learned to…

Brewer's: Tarpeian Rock

So called from Tarpeia, a vestal virgin, the daughter of Spurius Tarpeius, governor of the citadel on the Capitoline Hill. Tarpeia agreed to open the gates to the Sabines if they would…

Brewer's: Belly

The belly and its members. The fable of Menenius Agrippa to the Roman people when they seceded to the Sacred Mount: “Once on a time the members refused to work for the lazy belly; but, as…

Brewer's: Crack

as a crack man, a first-rate fellow; a crack hand at cards, a first-rate player; a crack article, an excellent one, i.e. an article cracked up or boasted about. This is the Latin crepo, to…

Shakespeare's Plays (table)

(Encyclopedia) Shakespeare's Plays(arranged by approximate date of composition) Play Approximate date of composition Date of first publication Sources Major characters Genre Henry VI, Part II…