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American Fur Company

(Encyclopedia) American Fur Company, chartered by John Jacob Astor (1763–1848) in 1808 to compete with the great fur-trading companies in Canada—the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company.…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: March 18, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark March 17, 1806March 19, 1806March 18, 1806 Tuesday March 18th 1806. Drewyer was taken last night with a violent pain in his side. Capt. Clark…

Maya Lin

Name at birth: Maya Ying LinMaya Lin was still an undergraduate at Yale University when she won the national design competition for a Vietnam War veterans memorial to be built near the Lincoln…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: March 3, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark March 2, 1806March 4, 1806March 3, 1806 Monday March 3rd 1806. Two of our perogues have been lately injured very much in consequence of the tide…

Lewis & Clark: Index

by NoahBrooks The End of a Long JourneyIndex A Alkali, natural deposits of, 60. Antelope, first seen, 29; how hunted, 69. Assiniboins, at war with Sioux, 49…

We ARE naming names

The Question: What is the meaning of the name "Hawaii" and the name "Idaho"? The Answer: The origin of the name Hawaii is uncertain. It…

Kennewick Man

Kennewick Man is one of the oldest skeletons to be unearthed in the modern era, thereby becoming a point of contention between the world of scientific research and the world of cultural preservation…

Cheryl Strayed

Name at birth: Cheryl NylandWriter Cheryl Strayed's fame rests on her best-selling 2012 memoir, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, which was made into the 2014 movie Wild, starring…