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Brewer's: Belinda

The heroine of Pope's serio-comical poem, entitled the Rape of the Lock. The poem is based on a real incident:- Lord Petre cut off a lock of Miss Fermor's hair, and this liberty gave rise…


(Encyclopedia) letters, in literature, written messages, ranging from those addressed to the public and those sent from lover to lover, to business letters and thank-you notes. The common quality…

Brewer's: Rape of the Lock

Lord Petre, in a thoughtless moment of frolic gallantry, cut off a lock of Arabella Fermor's hair; and this liberty gave rise to a bitter feud between the two families, which Alexander…

The 100 Best Characters in Fiction Since 1900

Book Magazine, now defunct, compiled a panel of 55 authors, literary agents, editors, and actors in 2002 to “rank the top one hundred characters in literature since 1900.”Jay Gatsby, The…


(Encyclopedia) novel, in modern literary usage, a sustained work of prose fiction a volume or more in length. It is distinguished from the short story and the fictional sketch, which are necessarily…

English literature

(Encyclopedia) English literature, literature written in English since c.1450 by the inhabitants of the British Isles; it was during the 15th cent. that the English language acquired much of its…