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Brewer's: Venice Glass

The drinking glasses of the Middle Ages, made at Venice, were said to break into shivers if poison were put into them. Doge. `Tis said that our Venetian crystal has Such pure antipathy…

Brewer's: Weather-glass

(The Peasant's) or “Poor man's warning.” The scarlet pimpernel, which closes its petals at the approach of rain. Closed is the pink…

Brewer's: Glass Breaker

(A). A wine-bibber. To crack a bottle is to drink up its contents and throw away the empty bottle. A glass breaker is one who drinks what is in the glass, and flings the glass under the…

Brewer's: Glass-eye

A blind eye, not an eye made of glass, but the Danish glas-oie (wall-eye). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Glass HousesGlass Breaker A B C D E F G H…

Brewer's: Glass Houses

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. When, on the union of the two crowns, London was inundated with Scotchmen, Buckingham was a chief instigator of the movement against…

Brewer's: Glass Slipper

(of Cinderella). A curious blunder of the translator, who has mistaken vair (sable) for verre (glass). Sable was worn only by kings and princes, so the fairy gave royal slippers to her…

Brewer's: Globe of Glass

(Reynard's). To consult Reynard's globe of glass. To seek into futurity by magical or other devices. This globe of glass would reveal what was being done, no matter how far off, and would…

Brewer's: Green Glasses

To look through green glasses. To feel jealous of one; to be envious of another's success. “If we had an average of theatrical talent, we had also our quantum of stage jealousies; for who…

Brewer's: Crown Glass

is window glass blown into a crown or hollow globe. It is flattened before it is fit for use. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Crown OfficeCrown A B C D E…

Hyderabad, city, Pakistan

(Encyclopedia) Hyderabad, city, Sind prov., S Pakistan. Pakistan's fourth largest city, it has long been noted for its embroideries, precious-metal…