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Brewer's: Catholic Roll

(The). A document which each Roman Catholic was obliged to swear to on taking his seat as a Member of Parliament. It was abolished, and a single oath prescribed to all members by the 29,…

Roman Catholic Pontiffs

Here is a list of all the popes, from St. Peter to Francis I.     Reigned Name Birthplace From To St. Peter Bethsaida 42? 67? St. Linus Tuscia c. 67 76 St…

Brewer's: Catholic Emancipation Act

(The). 10 Geo. IV. c. 7, April 13th, 1829, whereby Catholics were admitted to all corporate offices, and to an equal enjoyment of all municipal rights. The army and navy had been already…

Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy

The Catholic clergy is organized in a strict, sometimes overlapping hierarchy: Pope: Head of the church, he is based at the Vatican. The pope is infallible in defining matters of faith and…

catholic church

(Encyclopedia) catholic church [Gr.,=universal], the body of Christians, living and dead, considered as an organization. The word catholic was first used c.110 to describe the Church by St. Ignatius…

Catholic Emancipation

(Encyclopedia) Catholic Emancipation, term applied to the process by which Roman Catholics in the British Isles were relieved in the late 18th and early 19th cent. of civil disabilities. They had…

Catholic League

(Encyclopedia) Catholic League, in French history: see Holy League.