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Brewer's: Nokomis

Daughter of the Moon. Sporting one day with her maidens on a swing made of vine canes, a rival cut the swing, and Nokomis fell to earth, where she gave birth to a daughter named Wenonah…

Brewer's: Orbilian Stick

(The). A cane or birch-rod. Orbilius was the schoolmaster who taught Horace, and Horace calls him Plagosus (the flogger). (Ep. ii. 71.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Kennel

A dog's house, from the Latin canis (a dog), Italian canile; but kennel (a gutter), from the Latin canna (a cane, whence canalis), our canal, channel, etc. Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Baste

(1 syl.). I'll baste your jacket for you, i.e. cane you. I'll give you a thorough basting, i.e. beating. (Spanish, baston, a stick; Italian, bastone; French, bâton.) Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Toralva

The licentiate who was conveyed on a cane through the air, with his eyes shut. In the space of twelve hours he arrived at Rome, and lighted on the tower of Nona, whence, looking down, he…

Brewer's: Canard

A hoax. Cornelissen, to try the gullibility of the public, reported in the papers that he had twenty ducks, one of which he cut up and threw to the nineteen, who devoured it greedily. He…

The Oprah Factor

The Oprah Factor Oprah Winfrey has bestowed a gift on a few lucky publishers. Selection for Oprah's Book Club virtually guarantees the title will make the bestseller lists. Booksellers, as…

Asian Food Primer: Fijian Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region Fiji HawaiiPapua New…

Brewer's: Macaronic Verse

Verses in which foreign words are ludicrously distorted and jumbled together, as in Porson's lines on the threatened invasion of England by Napoleon. (Lingo drawn for the Militia.) So…

Brewer's: Bark

Dogs in their wild state never bark; they howl, whine, and growl, but do not bark. Barking is an acquired habit; and as only domesticated dogs bark, this effort of a dog to speak is no…