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(Encyclopedia) monkey, any of a large and varied group of mammals of the primate order. The term monkey includes all primates that do not belong to the categories human, ape, or prosimian; however,…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 25, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 24, 1805May 26, 1805May 25, 1805 Saturday May 25th 1805. The Two canoes which we left behind yesterday to bring on the meat did not arrive…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 20, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 19, 1805August 21, 1805August 20, 1805 Tuesday August 20th 1805. This morning I sent out the two hunters and employed the ballance of the…

The Supreme Court: Punishing Students

Punishing StudentsThe Supreme CourtEducating Our KidsPunishing StudentsTesting for DrugsDealing with Sexual HarassmentLegalizing School Vouchers Schools always struggle with the issue of how…

William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act II

Act IIScene IRome. A public placeEnter Menenius with the two Tribunes of the people, Sicinius and Brutus.MeneniusThe augurer tells me we shall have news to-night.BrutusGood or bad?MeneniusNot…