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The Congress of Women: Göethe and Schiller

by Miss Mary Virginia Keene The Woman Who Has ComeEvolution of American LiteratureGöethe and Schiller Miss Mary Virginia Keene was born in the city of Erie, Pa. Her parents were Galen…

Boston, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Boston, city (2020 pop. 692,600), state capital and seat of Suffolk co., E Mass., on Boston Bay, an arm of Massachusetts Bay; inc. 1822…


Massachusetts State Information Capital: Boston Official Name: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Organized as a territory: March 1, 1629 Entered Union (rank): February 6, 1788 (6th state) Present…


PREFACE.   SERMON. Psalm CXLIV: 12.- “That our daughters may be as corner-stones.“ Last Sunday, I spoke of the Domestic Function of Woman-what she may do for the higher development of the…