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(Encyclopedia) Bordeaux Bordeaux bôrdōˈ [key], city, capital of Gironde dept., SW France, on the Garonne River…

Gironde, estuary, France

(Encyclopedia) Gironde, estuary, c.45 mi (70 km) long and from 2 to 7 mi (3.2–11.3 km) wide, formed by the Garonne and Dordogne rivers, which join c.14 mi (23 km) N of Bordeaux. Sand banks and a high…

Brewer's: Huon de Bordeaux

encounters in Syria an old follower of the family named Gerasmes (2 syl.), whom he asks the way to Babylon. Gerasmes told him the shortest and best way was through a wood sixteen leagues…

Bordeaux mixture

(Encyclopedia) Bordeaux mixtureBordeaux mixturebôrdōˈ [key], fungicide consisting of cupric sulfate and lime in water. Its fungicidal activity is associated with the slow formation of copper…

Kastler, Alfred

(Encyclopedia) Kastler, Alfred, 1902–84, German-born French physicist, Ph.D. Univ. of Bordeaux, 1936. Kastler was a lecturer at Clermont-Ferrand Univ. (1936–38), professor at the Univ. of Bordeaux (…


(Encyclopedia) GaronneGaronnegärônˈ [key], river, 402 mi (647 km) long, rising in the central Pyrenees just inside Spain, and flowing generally NE to Toulouse, in SW France, where it swings northwest…

Juppé, Alain

(Encyclopedia) Juppé, AlainJuppé, AlainälăNˈ zhüpāˈ [key], 1945–, French politician, b. Les Landes. A member of the Gaullist Rally for the Republic (RPR), he entered the Inspection des Finances in…


(Encyclopedia) Ausonius (Decimus Magnus Ausonius)Ausoniusôsōˈnēəs [key], c.310–c.395, Latin poet and man of letters, b. Bordeaux. He tutored Gratian, who, when he ascended the throne, made Ausonius…

Gironde, department, France

(Encyclopedia) Gironde Gironde zhērôNdˈ [key], department, SW France, on the Bay of Biscay. Bordeaux is the capital.