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(Encyclopedia) CE5 Worldwide pattern of earthquake activity: The dots indicate the epicenters of all earthquakes recorded during a recent 10-year period. CE5 earthquake, trembling or shaking…

Texas Desert: The Chihuahuan Desert

Source: iStockThe Chihuahuan Desert is the largest in North America, covering around 200,000 square miles of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.  Texas is the largest state on the US…


  Arkansas State Information Capital: Little Rock Official Name: State of Arkansas Organized as a territory/republic: March 2, 1819 Entered Union (rank): June 15, 1836 (25) Present constitution…

bridge, structure

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Bridges bridge, structure built over water or any obstacle or depression to allow the passage of pedestrians or vehicles. See also viaduct. In wartime, where the means of…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 NebraskaNebraskanəbrăsˈkə [key], Great Plains state of the central United States. It is bordered by Iowa and Missouri, across the Missouri River (E), Kansas (S), Colorado (SW),…