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(Encyclopedia) AtalantaAtalantaätəlănˈtə [key], in Greek mythology, huntress famous for her speed and skill. She took part in the Calydonian hunt and was rewarded by Meleager with the pelt of the…

Giono, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Giono, JeanGiono, JeanzhäN jônōˈ [key], 1895–1970, French novelist, b. Provence. His semiautobiographical novel, Jean le bleu (1932, tr. Blue Boy, 1946) concerns his childhood. His…


(Encyclopedia) amnestyamnestyămˈnəstē [key], in law, exemption from prosecution for criminal action. It signifies forgiveness and the forgetting of past actions. Amnesties are usually extended to a…

Beautiful Creatures

Director: Bill Eagles Writer: Simon Donald Universal Focus; R; 86 minutes Release: 4/01 Cast: Rachel Weisz, Susan Lynch Beautiful Creatures is a new British film that…

A Beautiful Mind

Director:Ron HowardWriter:Akiva GoldsmanUniversal Pictures; PG-13; 129 minutesRelease:12/01Cast:Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris A Beautiful Mind tells the incredible story of…

America the Beautiful

The Question: Who wrote the music and words to the song America the Beautiful? The Answer: The words were written by an instructor at Wellesley (Mass.)…

American the Beautiful

The Question: Where was "America the Beautiful" written? My understanding is that it was written in Andover, Mass. A Phillips Academy dormitory is named "…

Beautiful Thing

Director: Hettie Macdonald Writer: Jonathan Harvey Director of Photography: Chris Seager Producers: Tony Garnett and Bill Shapter Sony Pictures Classics; R; 89 minutes…

The Beautiful Toilet

The Beautiful ToiletBlue, blue is the grass about the river And the willows have overfilled the close garden. And within, the mistress, in the midmost of her youth, White, white of face,…

Brewer's: Beautiful

Beautiful or fair as an angel. Throughout the Middle Ages it was common to associate beauty with virtue, and ugliness with sin; hence the expressions given above, and the following also— “…