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Brewer's: Battle

Professor Creasy says there are fifteen decisive battles; that is, battles which have decided some political change: B.C. 490, Marathon, 413, Syracuse; 331, Arbela; 207, Metaurus; the…


(Encyclopedia) Battle, town, East Sussex, SE England. The town grew up on the site (then a moorland) of the battle of Hastings (1066). The victorious William the Conqueror built Battle Abbey to…

The Devil's Dictionary: Battle

by Ambrose Bierce BATHBEARDBATTLE -n. A method of untying with the teeth of a political knot that would not yield to the tongue.

The Battle of Iwo Jima

From Allied invasion to national symbol Related Links Slideshow: Statues of Washington, D.C. World War II Axis Powers Allies Memorial Day During the winter of 1945, in the…

Brewer's: Line of Battle

The order of troops drawn up so as to present a battle-front. There are three lines- the van, the main body, and the rear. A fleet drawn up in line of battle is so arranged that the ships…

Civil War Battles

The Question: What state was the site of the most battles during the U.S. Civil War? The Answer: A report by the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission…

Brewer's: Soldiers' Battles

(The). Malplaquet, 1709, and Inkermann, 1854, were both “soldiers' battles.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Soldiers of FortuneSoldier's Heart A B C D E…

The Battle of the Alamo Quiz

Welcome to the Alamo quiz! This famous historical site located in San Antonio, Texas is known for its heroic story during the Texas Revolution. How much do you know about the Alamo and its history?…

The Battle of Little Bighorn

Welcome to this engaging quiz about the Battle of Little Bighorn! Test your knowledge and see how much you really know about this pivotal moment in American history!

Battle of Gettysburg Quiz

This battle was considered the turning point of the American Civil War, as well as the deadliest conflict fought during it. What do you know about the facts of the altercation?