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(Encyclopedia) NeoplatonismNeoplatonismnēˌōplāˈtənĭzəm, ancient mystical philosophy based on the doctrines of Plato. Neoplatonism was an early influence on Christian thinkers. The Christian…

Brewer's: Pleiades

(3 syl.) means the “sailing stars” (Greek, pleo, to sail), because the Greeks considered navigation safe at the return of the Pleiades, and never attempted it after those stars disappeared…

Brewer's: Schoolmen

Certain theologians of the Middle Ages; so called because they lectured in the cloisters or cathedral schools founded by Charlemagne and his immediate successors. They followed the fathers…

The True George Washington: Education

EducationFormal EducationThe father of Washington received his education at Appleby School in England, and, true to his alma mater, he sent his two elder sons to the same school. His death…

Brewer's: Flowers and Trees

(1) Dedicated to heathen gods: The Cornel cherry-tree to Apollo The Cypress to Pluto. The Dittany to The Moon. The Laurel to Apollo. The Lily to Juno. The Maiden's-hair to Pluto. The…

Brewer's: Rome

Virgil says of Romulus, “Mavortia condet moenia, Romanosque suo de nomine dicet” (AEneid, i. 276). The words of the Sibyl, quoted by Servius, are Romulus is a diminutive or word of…

The Little Book of Modern Verse

A Selection from the work of contemporaneous American poets[Selections made in 1913.]DedicationSincere thanks are due to my friend Thomas S. Jones, Jr., who, during my absence in Europe, has kindly…