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(Encyclopedia) Suppiluliumas, fl. 14th cent. b.c., Hittite king (1390–54 b.c.). The greatest statesman-warrior in Hittite history, he left on his death an empire that was stronger, though not richer…Nekhtharheb
(Encyclopedia) NekhtharhebNekhtharhebnĕkht-härˈĕbˌ [key], Gr. Nectanebo II, reigned 359–343, king of ancient Egypt, of the XXX dynasty. With the support of Agesilaus II of Sparta, he overthrew…Sheshonk I
(Encyclopedia) Sheshonk ISheshonk Ishēˈshŏngk [key] or Shoshenk ISheshonk Ishōˈshăngk [key], d. c.929 or 924 b.c., king of ancient Egypt, founder of the XXII (Libyan) dynasty. Originally a commander…2015 Year in Review Slideshow: Sports
Top events for the nation and the world in 2015 Jennie Wood Prev Next The U.S. Women's Soccer Team U.S. Beats Japan in Women's World Cup In the 2015 Women's World Cup Final in Vancouver,…Daley, Richard Joseph
(Encyclopedia) Daley, Richard Joseph, 1902–76, U.S. political leader, b. Chicago. Admitted to the bar in 1933, he entered politics and served as a Democrat in the state assembly (1936–38) and the…Hatshepsut
(Encyclopedia) HatshepsutHatshepsuthätshĕpˈs&oobreve;t [key], d. 1458 b.c., ruler of ancient Egypt, of the XVIII dynasty; eldest daughter of Thutmose I. She managed to rule Egypt by relegating…Biographies of Famous Native Americans
Native Americans bios, from Alexie to Wovoka A-G | H-M | O-R | S-W Charles Curtis Sherman Alexie, writer Paula Gunn Allen, Pueblo-Sioux poet, novelist, critic Dennis Banks, Anishinabe…June 2015 Current Events: U.S. News
World News | Business News | Disasters & Science News Here are the key events in United States news for the month of June 2015. Law Ends…Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month is observed every November in the United States. Learn about the history of the observance, read biographies of famous Native Americans, try our quizzes, find stats…American Indians: Census Facts, 2004
XXXX XXXX by U.S. Census Bureau Related Links Notable American IndiansPreference for Racial or Ethnic TerminologyIndian Languages Spoken at HomeFacts About American Indians Today…