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Blow, John

(Encyclopedia) Blow, John, 1649–1708, English composer. He was organist and choirmaster at Westminster Abbey and the Chapel Royal and the teacher of Henry Purcell. He wrote more than 100 anthems and…

Brewer's: Adonis

Ado′nis A beautiful boy. The allusion is to Adonis, who was beloved by Venus, and was killed by a boar while hunting. Rose-cheeked Adonis hied him to the chase; Hunting he loved; but love…


(Encyclopedia) AphroditeAphroditeăfrədīˈtē [key], in Greek religion and mythology, goddess of fertility, love, and beauty. Homer designated her the child of Zeus and Dione. Hesiod's account of her…

Adonis, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia) AdonisAdonisədōˈnĭs, ədŏnˈĭs [key], in Greek mythology, beautiful youth beloved by Aphrodite and Persephone. He was born of the incestuous union of Myrrha (or Smyrna) and Cinyras, king…

Venus, in Roman religion and mythology

(Encyclopedia) Venus, in Roman religion and mythology, goddess of vegetation. Later, she became identified (3d cent. b.c.) with the Greek Aphrodite. In imperial times she was worshiped as Venus…

Lodge, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Lodge, Thomas, 1558?–1625, English writer, grad. Oxford, 1577. After abandoning the study of law for literature, he published (c.1580) his defense of poetry and other arts, usually…


(Encyclopedia) Adunis: see Adonis, Syrian poet.

Adonis, Syrian poet

(Encyclopedia) Adonis or Adunis, pen name of Ali Ahmad Said Esber, 1930–, Syrian poet and essayist, generally considered the Arab world's greatest living poet. He began writing poetry in the 1950s.…