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Edward the Black Prince

(Encyclopedia) Edward the Black Prince, 1330–76, eldest son of Edward III of England. He was created duke of Cornwall in 1337, the first duke to be created in England, and prince of Wales in 1343.…


Name at birth: Prince Rogers NelsonA striking and influential star of the late 20th century, Prince wrote and produced funky pop songs that had cross-genre appeal, including the top-sellers 1999,…

Michael the Brave

(Encyclopedia) Michael the Brave, d. 1601, prince of Walachia (1593–1601), of Transylvania (1599–1600), and of Moldavia (1600). Michael was one of Romania's greatest medieval rulers, as well as a…

Stephen the Great

(Encyclopedia) Stephen the Great, d.1504, prince of Moldavia (1457–1504). A great military and political leader, Stephen consolidated princely authority, furthered economic prosperity, and…

Canute the Saint

(Encyclopedia) Canute the Saint, d. 1086, king (1080–86) and patron saint of Denmark. He built churches and cathedrals and raised the bishops to the rank of prince. In 1085 he made an unsuccessful…

Shechem, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ShechemShechemshĕkˈəm, shēˈ– [key], in the Bible. 1 Hivite prince. 2 Manassite chief.

Havelok the Dane

(Encyclopedia) Havelok the Dane, English 13th-century metrical romance. It concerns a prince brought up as a scullion, who, after discovering his true identity, wins the kingdoms of Denmark and…

The Frog-Prince

The Frog-Prince One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of water, that rose in the…

Prince William

  by David Johnson Prince William and his younger brother, Prince Henry (Source:AP) Related Links Royal Family Tree Queen Elizabeth II King Charles III Prince Henry Quiz:…

Erik Prince

Erik Prince is the founder and former chief executive officer of Blackwater Worldwide -- later called Xe, then Academi -- a private military firm best known as a contractor for the United States…