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Brewer's: Several

= separate; that which is severed or separate; each, as “all and several.” Azariah was a leper, and “dwelt in a several house” (2 Kings xv.5). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

The Severity of an Earthquake

Source: National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey Earthquakes are the result of forces deep within Earth's interior that continuously affect its surface. The energy from…

Murdoch, Dame Iris

(Encyclopedia) Murdoch, Dame Iris (Dame Jean Iris Murdoch)Murdoch, Dame Irismûrˈdŏk [key], 1919–99, British novelist and philosopher, b. Dublin, Ireland, grad. Oxford (1942). In 1948 she was named…

Guatemala Signs Several Trade Agreements

Director:Abel FerraraWriter:Nicholas St. JohnDirector of Photography:Ken KelschEditors:Bill Pankow and Mayin LoMusic:Joe DeliaProduction Designer:Charles LagolaProducer:Mary KaneOctober Films…

Brewer's: Head

(Latin, caput; Saxon, hedfod; Scotch, hafet; contracted into head.) Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. Better be foremost amongst commoners than the lowest of the…

Kicked in the Head

Director: Matthew HarrisonWriters: Kevin Corrigan and Matthew HarrisonDirectors of Photography:John Thomas and Howard KrupaEditor:Michael BerenbaumMusic:Stephen EndelmanProduction Designer:…

Edith Head

"Gowns by Edith Head" was one of the most-seen motion picture credits of the 20th century. She was Oscar-nominated an amazing 35 times, winning a total of eight best costume design Oscars for her…


(Encyclopedia) KarlstadKarlstadkärlˈstäd [key], city (1990 pop. 52,930), capital of Värmland co., S Sweden, on Lake Vänern. It has ironworks and machine shops and other industries that manufacture…

Oscar II

(Encyclopedia) Oscar II, 1829–1907, king of Sweden (1872–1907) and Norway (1872–1905), younger son of Oscar I. He succeeded his brother, Charles XV. He refused to concede to Norway its own consular…