Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: R

Updated May 6, 2020 | Infoplease Staff
by Robert Burns


Rab, rob.
Rade, rode.
Raep, a rope.
Ragweed, ragwort.
Raibles, recites by rote.
Rair, to roar.
Rairin, roaring.
Rair't, roared.
Raise, rase, rose.
Raize, to excite, anger.
Ramfeezl'd, exhausted.
Ramgunshoch, surly.
Ram-stam, headlong.
Randie, lawless, obstreperous.
Randie, randy, a scoundrel, a rascal.
Rant, to rollick, to roister.
Rants, merry meetings; rows.
Rape, v. raep.
Raploch, homespun.
Rash, a rush.
Rash-buss, a clump of rushes.
Rashy, rushy.
Rattan, rattoon, a rat.
Ratton-key, the rat-quay.
Raucle, rough, bitter, sturdy.
Raught, reached.
Raw, a row.
Rax, to stretch, to extend.
Ream, cream, foam.
Ream, to cream, to foam.
Reave, to rob.
Rebute, rebuff.
Red, advised, afraid.
Red, rede, to advise, to counsel.
Red-wat-shod, red-wet-shod.
Red-wud, stark mad.
Reek, smoke.
Reekie, reeky, smoky.
Reestit, scorched.
Reestit, refused to go.
Reif, theiving.
Remead, remedy.
Rickles, small stacks of corn in the fields.
Rief, plunder.
Rig, a ridge.
Riggin, the roof-tree, the roof.
Rigwoodie, lean.
Rin, to run.
Ripp, a handful of corn from the sheaf.
Ripplin-kame, the wool or flax comb.
Riskit, cracked.
Rive, to split, to tear, to tug, to burst.
Rock, a distaff.
Rockin, a social meeting.
Roon, round, shred.
Roose, to praise, to flatter.
Roose, reputation.
Roosty, rusty.
Rottan, a rat.
Roun', round.
Roupet, exhausted in voice.
Routh, v. rowth.
Routhie, well-stocked.
Row, rowe, to roll; to flow, as a river; to wrap.
Rowte, to low, to bellow.
Rowth, plenty, a store.
Rozet, resin.
Run-deils, downright devils.
Rung, a cudgel.
Runkl'd, wrinkled.
Runt, a cabbage or colewort stalk.
Ryke, to reach.
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