Top Ten: Odds of Dying

Updated July 17, 2021 | Infoplease Staff

It always gets you in the end

The National Safety Council and National Center for Health Statistics regularly collect data about the most common causes of death in the U.S. Here are the lifetime odds of dying for selected causes in the United States. This data comes from the most recent published data, from 2019. 

Rank Causes of death Odds of dying
  All causes 1:1
1. Heart Disease 1:6
2. Cancer 1:7
3. Chronic lower respiratory disease 1:27
4. Suicide 1:88
5. Opioid Overdose 1:92
6. Accidental fall 1:106
7. Motor vehicle crash 1:107
8. Assault with a firearm 1:289
9. Pedestrian incident 1:543
10. Motorcycle incident 1:899
Source: National Safety Council, 2021.


Mortality Statistics
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