toward: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (prep. tôrd, tōrd, tu-wôrd', twôrd, twōrdadj.tôrd, tōrd), [key]
— prep.
  1. in the direction of: to walk toward the river.
  2. with a view to obtaining or having; for: They're saving money toward a new house.
  3. in the area or vicinity of; near: Our cabin is toward the top of the hill.
  4. turned to; facing: Her back was toward me.
  5. shortly before; close to: toward midnight.
  6. as a help or contribution to: to give money toward a person's expenses.
  7. with respect to; as regards: his attitude toward women.
  1. about to come soon; imminent.
  2. going on; in progress; afoot: There is work toward.
  3. propitious; favorable.
    1. promising or apt, as a student.
    2. compliant; docile.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.