profile: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (prō'fīl), [key]
— n., v., -filed, -fil•ing.
  1. the outline or contour of the human face, esp. the face viewed from one side.
  2. a picture or representation of the side view of a head.
  3. an outlined view, as of a city or mountain.
  4. an outline of an object, as a molding, formed on a vertical plane passed through the object at right angles to one of its principal horizontal dimensions.
  5. a drawing or the like representing this.
  6. a vertical section of the ground surface taken parallel to a survey line. Cf.(def. 6). See diagram under
  7. a verbal, arithmetical, or graphic summary or analysis of the history, status, etc., of a process, activity, relationship, or set of characteristics: a biochemical profile of a patient's blood; a profile of national consumer spending.
  8. an informal biography or a concisely presented sketch of the life and character of a person.
  9. a set of characteristics or qualities that identify a type or category of person or thing: a profile of a typical allergy sufferer.
  10. the look, configuration, or lines of something: cars with a modern profile.
  11. degree of noticeability; visibility.
  12. a description of behavioral and personality traits of a person compared with accepted norms or standards.
  13. a flat stage property or scenic piece cut from a firm, thin material, as of beaverboard or plywood, and having an irregular edge resembling the silhouette of a natural object.
  14. (in a gear) the outline of either end of a tooth.
  15. a longitudinal elevation or section of a vessel. Cf.
  1. to draw a profile of.
  2. to produce or present a history, description, or analysis of: The magazine will profile the candidate in its next issue.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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