mail: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (māl), [key]
— n.
  1. letters, packages, etc., that are sent or delivered by means of the postal system: Storms delayed delivery of the mail.
  2. a single collection of such letters, packages, etc., as sent or delivered: to open one's mail; to find a bill in the mail; The mail for England was put on the noon plane.
  3. the system, usually operated or supervised by the national government, for sending or delivering letters, packages, etc.; postal system: to buy clothes by mail.
  4. a train, boat, etc., as a carrier of postal matter.
  5. to monitor or listen to a CB transmission.
  1. of or pertaining to mail.
  1. to send by mail; place in a post office or mailbox for transmission.
  2. to transmit by electronic mail.


Pronunciation: (māl), [key]
— n.
  1. flexible armor of interlinked rings.
  2. any flexible armor or covering, as one having a protective exterior of scales or small plates.
  3. an oval piece of metal pierced with a hole through which the warp ends are threaded, serving as an eyelet on a heddle or esp. on the harness cords of a Jacquard loom.
  1. to clothe or arm with mail.


Pronunciation: (māl), [key]
— n. Scot.
  1. monetary payment or tribute, esp. rent or tax.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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