excursion: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (ik-skûr'zhun, -shun), [key]
— n.
  1. a short trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return: a pleasure excursion; a scientific excursion.
  2. a trip on a train, ship, etc., at a reduced rate: weekend excursions to mountain resorts.
  3. the group of persons making such a journey: an excursion of tourists.
  4. a deviation or digression: excursions into futile philosophizing.
  5. the displacement of a body or a point from a mean position or neutral value, as in an oscillation.
  6. an accidental increase in the power level of a reactor, usually forcing its emergency shutdown.
    1. the range of stroke of any moving part.
    2. the stroke itself.
  7. a sally or raid.
  1. to go on or take an excursion.
  1. of, pertaining to, or intended for use on excursions: an excursion fare; an excursion bus.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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