drench: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (drench), [key]
— v.t.
  1. to wet thoroughly; soak.
  2. to saturate by immersion in a liquid; steep.
  3. to cover or fill completely; bathe: trees drenched with sunlight.
  4. to administer a draft of medicine to (an animal), esp. by force: to drench a horse.
  5. to cause to drink.
  1. the act of drenching.
  2. something that drenches: a drench of rain.
  3. a preparation for drenching or steeping.
  4. a solution, esp. one of fermenting bran, for drenching hides or skins.
  5. a large drink or draft.
  6. a draft of medicine, esp. one administered to an animal by force.
  7. a mixture of pesticide and water applied to the soil surrounding a plant.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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