aim: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (ām), [key]
— v.t.
  1. to position or direct (a firearm, ball, arrow, rocket, etc.) so that, on firing or release, the discharged projectile will hit a target or travel along a certain path.
  2. to intend or direct for a particular effect or purpose: to aim a satire at snobbery.
  1. to point or direct a gun, punch, etc., toward: He aimed at the target but missed it.
  2. to strive; try (usually fol. by to or at): We aim to please. They aim at saving something every month.
  3. to intend: She aims to go tomorrow.
  4. to direct efforts, as toward an object: The satire aimed at modern greed.
  5. to estimate; guess.
  1. the act of aiming or directing anything at or toward a particular point or target.
  2. the direction in which a weapon or missile is pointed; the line of sighting: within the cannon's aim.
  3. the point intended to be hit; thing or person aimed at: to miss one's aim.
  4. something intended or desired to be attained by one's efforts; purpose: whatever his aim in life may be.
  5. conjecture; guess.
  6. to sight a target: to take aim and fire.


Pronunciation: (ām), [key]
— n.
  1. American Indian Movement.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
See also:
  • aim (Thesaurus)