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Lamb, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Lamb, Charles, 1775–1834, English essayist, b. London. He went to school at Christ's Hospital, where his lifelong friendship with Coleridge began. Lamb was a clerk at the India House…

Lucas, Edward Verrall

(Encyclopedia) Lucas, Edward Verrall, 1868–1938, English author and critic. For several years he was assistant editor of Punch. He wrote many volumes of gently satirical essays and travel books,…

Blunden, Edmund Charles

(Encyclopedia) Blunden, Edmund Charles, 1896–1974, English author. Beginning his career as a poet of nature, Blunden became a cosmopolitan teacher and writer. His prose works include Undertones of…


(Encyclopedia) Horsham Horsham hôrˈshəm [key], town and district, West Sussex, SE England. Horsham is known…

Cornwall, Barry

(Encyclopedia) Cornwall, Barry, pseud. of Bryan Waller Procter, 1787–1874, English author. His sentimental songs were much in vogue during his lifetime. Included among Cornwall's longer works are…

Agnus Dei

(Encyclopedia) Agnus DeiAgnus Deiăgˈnəs dēˈī, änˈy&oobreve;s dāˈē [key] [Lat.], the Lamb of God, i.e., Jesus. The lamb of the Passover sacrifice is said to prefigure the crucifixion. Isaiah calls…

Brewer's: Lamb

In Christian art, an emblem of the Redeemer, called the “Lamb of God.” It is also the attribute of St. Agnes, St. Geneviève, St. Catherine, and St. Regina. John the Baptist either carries…

Lamb, William

(Encyclopedia) Lamb, William: see Melbourne, William Lamb, 2d Viscount.