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(Encyclopedia) Cl, symbol for the element chlorine.

Sonnets by William Shakespeare: CL

Sonnet CXLIX Sonnet CLI CL O! from what power hast thou this powerful might, With insufficiency my heart to sway? To make me give the lie to my true sight, And swear that brightness…

ammonium group

(Encyclopedia) ammonium group, in chemistry, a positively charged nitrogen atom joined by single bonds to four other atoms or groups. The simplest ammonium group, NH4+, is formed by protonation of…

common-ion effect

(Encyclopedia) common-ion effect, decrease in solubility of an ionic salt, i.e., one that dissociates in solution into its ions, caused by the presence in solution of another solute that contains one…


(Encyclopedia) chlorofluorocarbonschlorofluorocarbonsklōrˌəfl&oobreve;rˈəkärˌbənz, klôrˌ– [key] (CFCs), organic compounds that contain carbon, chlorine, and fluorine atoms. CFCs are highly…

naturalism, in art

(Encyclopedia) naturalism, in art, a tendency toward strict adherence to the physical appearance of nature and rejection of ideal forms. Artists as diverse as Velázquez, J. F. Millet, and Monet, have…

bleaching powder

(Encyclopedia) bleaching powder, white or nearly white powder that is usually a mixture of calcium chloride hypochlorite, CaCl(OCl); calcium hypochlorite, Ca(OCl)2; and calcium chloride, CaCl2.…

aqua regia

(Encyclopedia) aqua regiaaqua regiaäkˈwə [key]aqua regiarēˈjēə [key] [Lat.,=royal water], corrosive, fuming yellow liquid prepared by mixing one volume of concentrated nitric acid with three to four…

ammonium chloride

(Encyclopedia) ammonium chlorideammonium chlorideəmōˈnēəm klôrˈīd [key], chemical compound, NH4Cl, a white or colorless, odorless, water-soluble, cubic crystalline salt with a biting taste, commonly…

Periodic Table of the Elements: Chlorine

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Chlorine Atomic Number: 17 Atomic Symbol: Cl Chlorine Atomic Weight: [35.446; 35.457] Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 7