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Presidents' Occupations

This table provides information about the occupations held by U.S. Presidents before and after their time in office. /**/ PresidentMajor Jobs Before the PresidencyJobs After the…

Occupational Therapist

Michelle Tell us about your work-what do you do? I am an Occupational Therapist with a certification in Hand Therapy . I provide…

Occupations of Employed Women

December 10 - 17 RankOccupationTotal employed1. Elementary and middle school teachers 1,986,000 2. Registered nurses 1,931,000 3. Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides 1,258,000…

Union Participation by Occupation and Industry

The following table shows the percent of workers that are represented by unions or members of unions, according to occupations that include managerial, executive, industrial, professional, technical…

Occupations with the Highest Median Earnings

Doctors top out earnings in the US According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, doctors of all sorts top out the average earnings in the United States. The average CEO is not in the top ten highest…

Occupations with the Lowest Median Earnings

Service workers served poor earnings According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, food service workers rank as the lowest earners in the United States. The average CEO is not in the top ten highest…

Brewer's: Othello's Occupation's Gone

(Shakespeare). “Jam quadrigae meae deencurrerunt” (Petronius). I am laid on the shelf; I am no longer the observed of observers. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer…

U.S. Population by Household Occupancy

Profile of General Demographic Characteristics, Census 2000 Here is a look at the U.S. population, based on the 2000 U.S. Census. Figures are broken down by household occupancy,…

Walt Whitman: A Song for Occupations, Part 1

Part 1A song for occupations! In the labor of engines and trades and the labor of fields I find the developments, And find the eternal meanings.Workmen and Workwomen! Were all educations…