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(Encyclopedia) epistemologyepistemologyĭpĭsˌtəmŏlˈəjē [key] [Gr.,=knowledge or science], the branch of philosophy that is directed toward theories of the sources, nature, and limits of knowledge.…


(Encyclopedia) experience, living through events and the impression on a person or animal of events. In epistemology, a distinction is made between things known inductively, from experience, and…

Lewis, Clarence Irving

(Encyclopedia) Lewis, Clarence Irving, 1883–1964, American philosopher, b. Stoneham, Mass., grad. Harvard (B.A., 1906; Ph.D., 1910). After teaching (1911–20) at the Univ. of California, he was…

Piaget, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Piaget, JeanPiaget, JeanzhäNpyäˈjā [key], 1896–1980, Swiss psychologist, known for his research in developmental psychology. After receiving a degree in zoology from the Univ. of…


(Encyclopedia) absolute, in philosophy, the opposite of relative. The term has acquired numerous widely variant connotations in different philosophical systems. It means unlimited, unconditioned, or…

Moore, George Edward

(Encyclopedia) Moore, George Edward, 1873–1958, English philosopher, b. Upper Norwood. He was educated at Cambridge, where he was a fellow (1898–1904) and then a lecturer (1911–25) in the department…

Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist famous for his studies of the intellectual growth of children and his influential theories of cognitive development. Piaget's background was in biology, and as a…

Collins, Patricia Hill

(Encyclopedia) Collins, Patricia Hill, 1948–, American sociologist and social theorist, b. Philadelphia, Ph.D. Brandeis University, 1984. A noted…

Bentley, Arthur Fisher

(Encyclopedia) Bentley, Arthur Fisher, 1870–1957, American political scientist and philosopher, b. Freeport, Ill., studied Johns Hopkins (B.A., 1892; Ph.D., 1895) and Univ. of Berlin. After a year…

Hayek, Friedrich August von

(Encyclopedia) Hayek, Friedrich August vonHayek, Friedrich August vonfrēˈdrĭkh oug&oobreve;stˈ fôn hīˈək [key], 1899–1992, British economist, b. Vienna. He was raised and educated in Austria and…