Married Couples of Same or Mixed Races and Origins, 1980-2007

Updated September 9, 2022 | Infoplease Staff

(in thousands)

The chart below from the U.S. Census Bureau tracks biracial marriages in America from 1980 to 2007. As you can see, biracial marriages have been on a steady rise.

Race and origin of spouse 1980 1990 1995 1998 1999 2000 2007
Married couples, total 49,714 53,256 54,937 55,305 55,849 56,497 60,676
White/white 44,910 47,202 48,030 48,050 48,455 48,917 50,904
Black/black 3,354 3,687 3,703 3,839 3,868 3,989 4,178
Black/white 167 211 328 330 364 363 464
Black husband/white wife 122 150 206 210 240 268 338
White husband/black wife 45 61 122 120 124 95 126
White/other race1 450 720 988 975 1,086 1,051 1,688
Black/other race1 34 33 76 43 31 50 129
All other couples1 799 1,401 1,811 2,068 2,045 2,127 3,313
Hispanic origin
Hispanic/Hispanic 1,906 3,085 3,857 4,279 4,480 4,739 6,261
Hispanic/other origin (not Hispanic) 891 1,193 1,434 1,662 1,647 1,742 2,241
All other couples (not of Hispanic origin) 46,917 48,979 49,646 49,363 49,722 50,016 52,173
NOTE: Persons 15 years old and over. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
1. Excluding white and black.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports. From Statistical Abstract of the United States 2009.

Interracial Married Couples, 1980-2004 Population/Demographics Persons Speaking a Language Other than English at Home, 2000
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